Wednesday 18 February 2009

Nephthys - Ancient Egyptian Goddess

As a spiritual tour guide in egypt I use the guidance of not only my own guides but the help of the Ancient egyptian Goddesses. Nephthys - (Nebt-het) is the Goddess of the North, element Earth, she protects Hapy the son of Horus and the lungs.

Nephthys was the twin sister of Isis, it was hard to tell them apart, but these two sisters were the opposite of each other, ying and yang, light and dark, Nephthys was the dark side to Isis light, everything in life must have an opposite it is the law of life.
The story of Nephthys is a sad and troublesome one that had terrible consequences, she was married to Set, who was the dark side of his twin brother Osiris, her marriage was not a happy one, and she secretly yearned for a marriage like her sister Osiris, and so she seduced Osiris and deceived him into thinking she was Isis. The child they conceived from this one night union was later to be known as the god Anubis, On his birth Nephthys was horrified to find the child she delivered had the body of a man and the head of a jackal, and in horror she abandoned him in the marshes, where he was found by Isis who adopted him as her own son and raised him The mythology says that the child was born with the head of a Jackal, a dog that roams the western desert, in her horror Nephthys abandoned the child in the marshes, where he was found by Isis who adopted him and raised him as her own, the child grew to manhood and later he became the God Anubis in the underworld with his father Osiris.
The consequences of Nephthys deception changed the course of the lives of these four people, her husband Set was enraged to learn about her deception and the child, and in his rage he killed Osiris and later on he cut Osiris' body into many pieces and dispersed them all over Egypt. Nephthys eventually gained the courage to leave Set and joined Isis in the search for Osiris' body parts; she was welcomed back into Isis' life and even helped resurrect him from the dead.

Nephthys stayed with her sister after that and helped with healing of the people, she became a protector of the dead offering guidance to the newly dead, and comfort to the family of the one who had died
You can contact me - Caroline Dekker at if you would like to know more about my spiritual journeys to Egypt

Osho Zen Tarot

The Osho Zen Tarot is based on the wisdom of Zen, a wisdom that reveals that events in the outer world simply reflect our own thoughts and feelings, even though we can sometimes be confused with those thoughts and feelings. The Osho Zen tarot helps us to turn our attention away from outside influences and helps us to find a new clarity of understanding about what is happening in our inner most heart. In a In a world of change and confusion, people can feel fear turmoil and need help to clarify the direction their life has taken.
By using my intuition, experience and knowledge, a tarot reading can assist you to find clarity and vision helping to relieve your insecurities and doubt
The Tarot is a very old and sophisticated divinatory system it embodies many ancient teachings
I started to work with my first deck of tarot in 1987, and I have been hooked to the symbolic language. I lay the cards for people to get things clear or just help them further on, the spirits and my intuition help. I also give courses in reading the Tarot.

I am a spiritual tour guide to egypt, and I use my Osho Zen cards along with meditation during trips with my guests to help offer them insight and clarify their thoughts

If you would like to know more about my spiritual journeys to Egypt please contact me at

Meditation In the Temples of Egypt

I use meditation on my spiritual journeys through egypt, this is me at peace in a quiet corner of Dendara Temple
Meditation is one of the world’s oldest disciplines to connect the mind, body, and soul. However, to reach a transcendental state of mind, one must begin to learn the fundamentals of meditation. Meditation has many different interpretations based on what a person is seeking to gain through it.
First, you must clean your body for purification purposes. Next, go into a quiet, serene place, begin burning some incense. Then, sit in a comfortable position in which you’re relaxed; visualize that you’re near the waves of the oceans, listen to the birds fly over your head , continue to listen to the natural tones of the birds, wind, and feel the vibrations of the whales that are swimming in the ocean. One who prostrates, meditates, prays, and chants in tones will levitate. The Sufis say, "If human beings knew their own inner secrets, never would they look elsewhere for seeking happiness, peace and inner light." This answer is quite simple, look within oneself to find one’s true self. The voice you will hear is the real person that guides you through your meditations.

Meditate as many times as you need for relaxation.
You must learn to contemplate Supreme Peace, even when we have to face adversity, we must ponder eternally so that we don't let the disagreeable forces that come in many forms even the negative influence of the enemy within ourselves. Reflect on The Divine Self that lives within you and the many questions that you have will be answered by your Intuition. Love, Patience, and Humility is what we all need to do to become a peaceful person and a ruler of your lower nature.

I meditate every evening, and use meditation as part of my therapy for people that wish to join me as a spiritual tour guide on my travels through Egypt. Together we find a quiet area in the temples less frequented by too much tourist traffic, and together we connect to ourselves and the energies from within the temples.I not only meditate in the evening, I also meditate in the morning by inviting the spirits and thank them for this day...I also invite the Lords and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt of the 4 elements Air, earth, water and Fire.......and ask them for protection, guidance and help, and I ask my personal guides and the spirits, every evening I thank them for this day.

You can contact me - Caroline Dekker on with any enquiries for my spiritual journeys to Egypt

I also have a website written in Dutch as I live in the Netherlands see

Healing with Tibetan Singing bowl

As a healer I consider myself a conduit through which healing flows from a higher power , as part of my healing work with people I use meditation but also the Tibetan singing bowl which connects with the enegies and vibrations within the temples of Egypt.

There are many techniques of healing with sound. Mantras and chants have been used for thousands years. Many acoustical instruments are used in a diverseness of ways to effect change. The human voice is perhaps the most powerful musical instrument.
Ancient instruments, including the tibetan singing bowl that I personally use create vibrational sound harmonics at the frequency of AUM or OM. This sound is often known as that of Perfection impacts the sympathetic nervous system as brain waves synchronise to the vibrations of the bowls. The harmonical vibrations engage the relaxation reflex and slow up the respiratory, heart and brain rate and disrupt the pain reflex, creating a deep sense of well-being.
Sound Healing is an effective and proven modality that uses vibrational sound to help reduce stress, alter consciousness and create a deep feel of peace, well-being and better health. Among the many effects of Sound healing - are relief from pain, stress-related conditions, the ability to alter ones consciousness. sleep.

You can contact me personally on I am a spiritual tour guide that takes people on spiritual journeys to Egypt helping people to become healed and empowered again.

In this photo I am working with a tibetan singing bowl in the temple of seti 1 at abydos, notice that I am surrounded by Orbs. An Orb is another form of spirit energy manifested by people who have passed to the spirit world. Some orbs can even be our own spirit guides, when I am in the temples in Egypt I am often surrounded by Orbs as I am reseptive to psychic energy in these amazing temples

Spiritual Journey to Egypt

I followed my heart and it took me back to Egypt.
Egypt knows your soul,
you just need to 'remember' what you instinctively felt once before,
travel with me on a Spiritual journey of self discovery,
empowerment & healing to the mystical land of ancient Egypt

As a spiritual person I walk quietly through the Ancient temples of Egypt where I relax and meditate within the precincts of the sacred temples & tombs. It is here that I come alive with the powerful energies, the temple walls echo memories and energies that inspire my soul and consciousness and I would like to walk with you and pass my inspiration and gifts of well being on to you. To enter a sacred temple is a journey of the soul, a sacred place to know thyself.
My affinity with the spectacular temples and energies in Egypt led me to offering spiritual and meditative trips, where I specialize in body-orientated psychotherapy, energetic treatments also offering cleansing healing & massage to help open your channels to receive the energies. I also conduct courses to help develope your intuitive faculties with Osho Zen Tarot cards. In this photo I am with a guest inside the temple of Seti 1 at Abydos.
I INVITE YOU to experience 15 Days Spiritual Journey from LUXOR to ASWAN & ABU SIMBEL in which we will connect to the energies of Egypt ,release the Goddess within you & embrace the angels & heavenly guides.
I am also happy to present my programme in concunction with Iris meyer to assist HEALING & RELAXATION using the natural resources of the WESTERN DESERT OF EGYPT .Taken in the middle of the lush nature of Dakhla Oasis, this Bedouin Spa Adventure is an experience of a lifetime – loads of fun besides being really good for your health!
You can contact me personally for any help or enquiries by email at