Wednesday 18 February 2009

Healing with Tibetan Singing bowl

As a healer I consider myself a conduit through which healing flows from a higher power , as part of my healing work with people I use meditation but also the Tibetan singing bowl which connects with the enegies and vibrations within the temples of Egypt.

There are many techniques of healing with sound. Mantras and chants have been used for thousands years. Many acoustical instruments are used in a diverseness of ways to effect change. The human voice is perhaps the most powerful musical instrument.
Ancient instruments, including the tibetan singing bowl that I personally use create vibrational sound harmonics at the frequency of AUM or OM. This sound is often known as that of Perfection impacts the sympathetic nervous system as brain waves synchronise to the vibrations of the bowls. The harmonical vibrations engage the relaxation reflex and slow up the respiratory, heart and brain rate and disrupt the pain reflex, creating a deep sense of well-being.
Sound Healing is an effective and proven modality that uses vibrational sound to help reduce stress, alter consciousness and create a deep feel of peace, well-being and better health. Among the many effects of Sound healing - are relief from pain, stress-related conditions, the ability to alter ones consciousness. sleep.

You can contact me personally on I am a spiritual tour guide that takes people on spiritual journeys to Egypt helping people to become healed and empowered again.

In this photo I am working with a tibetan singing bowl in the temple of seti 1 at abydos, notice that I am surrounded by Orbs. An Orb is another form of spirit energy manifested by people who have passed to the spirit world. Some orbs can even be our own spirit guides, when I am in the temples in Egypt I am often surrounded by Orbs as I am reseptive to psychic energy in these amazing temples

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