Wednesday 18 February 2009

Nephthys - Ancient Egyptian Goddess

As a spiritual tour guide in egypt I use the guidance of not only my own guides but the help of the Ancient egyptian Goddesses. Nephthys - (Nebt-het) is the Goddess of the North, element Earth, she protects Hapy the son of Horus and the lungs.

Nephthys was the twin sister of Isis, it was hard to tell them apart, but these two sisters were the opposite of each other, ying and yang, light and dark, Nephthys was the dark side to Isis light, everything in life must have an opposite it is the law of life.
The story of Nephthys is a sad and troublesome one that had terrible consequences, she was married to Set, who was the dark side of his twin brother Osiris, her marriage was not a happy one, and she secretly yearned for a marriage like her sister Osiris, and so she seduced Osiris and deceived him into thinking she was Isis. The child they conceived from this one night union was later to be known as the god Anubis, On his birth Nephthys was horrified to find the child she delivered had the body of a man and the head of a jackal, and in horror she abandoned him in the marshes, where he was found by Isis who adopted him as her own son and raised him The mythology says that the child was born with the head of a Jackal, a dog that roams the western desert, in her horror Nephthys abandoned the child in the marshes, where he was found by Isis who adopted him and raised him as her own, the child grew to manhood and later he became the God Anubis in the underworld with his father Osiris.
The consequences of Nephthys deception changed the course of the lives of these four people, her husband Set was enraged to learn about her deception and the child, and in his rage he killed Osiris and later on he cut Osiris' body into many pieces and dispersed them all over Egypt. Nephthys eventually gained the courage to leave Set and joined Isis in the search for Osiris' body parts; she was welcomed back into Isis' life and even helped resurrect him from the dead.

Nephthys stayed with her sister after that and helped with healing of the people, she became a protector of the dead offering guidance to the newly dead, and comfort to the family of the one who had died
You can contact me - Caroline Dekker at if you would like to know more about my spiritual journeys to Egypt

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